Studio Space


Studio Space, a 13-part series about local artists, was KEET’s biggest project to date. Funded by a grant from CalArts, the station produced 13 half-hour episodes featuring 2 local artists each episode. Filmed during the first year of COVID, the series connected artists to the community in a new way, by allowing viewers to see the person behind the work. So many of our artists expressed pleasure with the show, both the shoot itself, and the result. Here is a quote from glass artist George Bucquet: “Thanks so much. I am really honored to be included… It turned out great. I feel seen. Thanks for that.I needed that, I must admit” Our hosts told us that often while standing in line at the grocery store people would come up to them and say how much they appreciated the show. During the stress of COVID, Studio Space brought delight, boldness and honesty about life stories, and inspiration for others to create.