Series of Coping with COVID-19 interstitials


At the onset of COVID-19, South Florida PBS’s Health Channel began addressing the pandemic by producing daily interstitials which we have been airing on WPBT, WXEL and Health Channel. These interstitials are also being shared on all corresponding social media platforms, Health Channel website, and Health Channel’s YouTube page, All Health All the Time. Additionally, South Florida PBS has made these interstitials available to PBS stations through Wavelength – a free content sharing vehicle available to all PBS stations. We never thought that four months later, the content would continue to be of vital importance as the number of infections by the deadly coronavirus continues to rise. As school districts consider reopening their schools in the next few months, now, more than ever, there is a critical need for trusted information on how best to avoid the virus and how to cope with the profound impacts of the pandemic on our daily lives – from mental health concerns to education to the economy.

Coping with COVID-19 is South Florida PBS’ series of over 210 one-minute interstitial reports, and it offers important information and insights directly from medical experts, answering common questions and concerns as people across the United States try to navigate the changes in their everyday lives. Recently produced reports cover topics related to kids and school, the most effective use of masks, how to stay safe during routine medical visits and much more.

In conjunction with and as part of this initiative, South Florida PBS’ Health Channel provided a, 24/7 on-screen crawl with updates and useful information to the public.