Expressions of Art


Art is a form of expression. It provides the image to express joy, sorrow, triumph, love and so much more. Art is symbolic, traditional, and contemporary. It comes in so many forms: dance, music, singing, acting, painting. It’s on stage and on canvas. The arts can play a critical role in our lives. Art is all around us to embrace and enjoy.

KVCR Radio & TV produced a total of 31 segments to air on radio (15), television and social media (16) and on our website (31).  A three-part, half-hour series was produced with the television segments to share the arts that exist in San Bernardino region. Our city has suffered from bankruptcy, violence, poverty and a terrorist attack. We feel our work should be part of the solution for our community. There are beautiful examples of art: The San Bernardino Sinfonia, The Garcia Center, Autism Society Art Walk, as well as music and dance teaching programs that exist in our community. We wanted to highlight and share what is good in the city of San Bernardino.

We interviewed over 50 artists, dancers, performers and musicians to help us tell their stories and to share the arts programs available for our children and the community at large. We wanted to emphasize the importance of the arts and how the arts can have a positive affect.

Art education is sometimes underestimated and is often the first subject in the classroom to be cut from curriculum. But understanding the importance of the arts and exposing our youth to the arts at an early age can and will have a positive effect on learning.

We took on the project in late February and with a staff completely committed to the project concluded with 31 airing by early June. This project used KVCR staff members from multiple departments.

The grant project manager conducted all the interviews for television, and the audio for the radio segments among-st a young team of reporters, interns and volunteers, as well as seasoned veterans.