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PMJA Editor Corps

About Us
PMJA offers subsidized on-demand editorial assistance to public media newsrooms. With funding from the CPB, our Editor Corps is made up of experienced, reputable public media editors who can help you produce high-quality news quickly and affordably.

The work of editors is often completely invisible, but when they aren’t there, it makes a big difference. Sometimes it can feel like things would come to a halt or go completely out of whack if they stepped away. And that’s if your newsroom even has one.

Perhaps it’s time for your newsroom to use PMJA’s Editor Corps! In just 10 minutes, you can make a request today and get matched with an experienced editor tomorrow.

Born from Crisis, Now a Powerful Ally

Editor Corps emerged in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A relentless stream of stories on deaths and vaccines strained newsrooms already weakened by unexpected staff shortages. Compounding this, the "Great Resignation" left news managers struggling to fill vacancies. Stations needed editorial support - and fast. Thanks to CPB funding, we provide subsidized on-demand editors to PMJA member stations.

Public Media Journalists Association saw the opportunity to do what it does best - support and empower public media journalists. The Editor Corps can help with breaking news, covering staff shortages including vacations and medical leave, and helping stations with special projects that may otherwise be abandoned. Whatever editorial assistance you need, the Editor Corps is here to help!

Contact Name
Belinda Rawlins