Sleeping late, mountain biking and stupid TV shows: how our readers are getting through the pandemic

Another spring has arrived and vaccines are getting into arms, but this pandemic ain’t over yet. It’s been a long haul, and getting through it has tested us all. We asked Current readers to tell us how they’ve managed to stay sane, healthy and connected amid the challenges of social distancing, Zoom meetings and child-care crises. Here’s what they said. 

Being intentional with catching up 1:1 with staff — it’s so easy to get disconnected. Hosting virtual coffee talks for supervisors. Personally, I started mountain biking and listening to webinars while walking! — Anne Schwarz, Director of Human Resources, PBS North Carolina

Every day I try and make sure I put time aside to do exercise, something creative, housework and read a paper book. I’ve taken up piano and crochet. I put my digital items away an hour before bed and just read. I try to be kind to myself and my family. I make a point of saying three nice things daily, and “please” and “thank you” to my husband and son (who both work from our home, too). And every Friday after work, we have family hot tub time with a nice drink! At the weekend we often gather outside on a neighbor’s driveway around a fire pit and share beer and news with our neighbors. I realize I’m fortunate to have these options. I wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity for 2021. — Catriona Comb, Database Manager, WEDU, Tampa, Fla.

It’s a surprising answer, maybe, but I’m sleeping later on work days. Early on in the pandemic when our governor issued a stay-at-home order, we had to tell volunteers to stay home. We have a dedicated corps of volunteer news readers who deliver KTNA’s three daily newscasts. Staff took on those duties and I did the early-morning newscast every day for about two months. When we started welcoming volunteers back to the studios, I decided to prioritize sleep to help reduce my stress by starting off each day well-rested. — Corinne Smith, GM, Talkeetna Community Radio, Talkeetna, Alaska

Jigsaw puzzles! My 2-year-old is getting really good at floor puzzles, and he sometimes “helps” with my 1,000-piece puzzles, too! — Amy Labenski, Senior Director of National Impact & Engagement, WETA, Washington, D.C.

Binge-watching stupid TV shows. — June Fox, GM, C895/KHNC, Seattle

Working out and doing home improvements at our house and two of our kids’ houses. Learning a lot of skills I hope to never have to use again ;). — Russ Hitzemann, VP & Chief Individual Giving Officer, Nine PBS, St. Louis

Walking dog regularly, cardio first thing in the morning and getting outside for at least 10 to 30 minutes each day (yes, even in the cold). — Rosemary Brunton, Community Engagement Manager, Nashville Public Television

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