‘Made Possible By…’ #8: ‘Nova’ founder Michael Ambrosino

Ambrosino and Asuaje

On this episode of Made Possible By…, public radio producer Andrea Asuaje talks with Michael Ambrosino, the creator of public television’s Nova, about Ambrosino’s long career in public television and their shared connection to Boston’s WGBH. Asuaje is an associate producer for Under the Radar with Callie Crossley on WGBH-FM; Ambrosino was one of the early employees of the station when it occupied half of a defunct roller-skating rink in Boston.

Ambrosino displays his Peabody Award

Ambrosino looks back on his time with Nova: “It’s a delight! We were given money and time and excellent air time to find out about the world. What can be better than that?” And he gives newcomers to public media some advice: “You can’t take ‘no’ for an answer. You must persist. And you must have the curiosity that asks ‘What is behind the first answer that I got to the first question?’”

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