New Ken Burns website curates content related to his films

Filmmaker Ken Burns has unveiled a website presenting excerpts from his documentaries along with related articles, books, tweets and podcast clips.

The site launched Friday with segments from Burns’ 10-part Vietnam War series. Content is curated around issues including patriotism, war and human nature, and the truthfulness of political leaders.

The site’s name, Unum, is taken from the U.S. motto “e pluribus unum” — from many, one. “It’s all one story. It always has been,” Burns said in a statement on the site. “Though the subjects of my documentaries have differed, their themes have remained interwoven, and eternally related to one another. The lines of connection have been there. It’s up to you to find them.”

The website was backed by philanthropist David Rubenstein through The Better Angels Society, a nonprofit that supports Burns’ work. Rubenstein said in the announcement that the site “provides Americans a whole new way to explore our history.”

Burns said that “we hope the discussion generated by the film will translate into greater engagement with the past and understanding of how we can find common ground to discuss current issues.”

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