Layoffs at KCPT in Kansas City, Mo., include Emmy-winning producer

KCPT has eliminated one part-time and three full-time positions, according to a spokesperson for the Kansas City, Mo., TV station.

Two producers, an education coordinator and the executive producer for cultural affairs were cut, said Angee Simmons, VP for TV production and creative services.

“The staff changes at KCPT reflect some adjustments in our organizational makeup to allow for us to best leverage all our services equally — TV, radio, online, and engagement,” Simmons said. In the past several years, KCPT has added a Triple A radio station and digital magazine, increased community engagement and launched new cross-platform projects.

Among those laid off was Randy Mason, executive producer for cultural affairs. Mason had been with the station for more than 30 years, according to Kansas City public radio station KCUR. His Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations, produced with Chief Content Officer Michael Murphy and “Don the Camera Guy,” earned 10 regional Emmys and ran for 12 seasons. The trio chronicled grassroots art, diners and cultural oddities in nearly 40 states.

Mason declined to comment to KCUR.

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