Thursday roundup: Serial wraps, Texas Tribune finds new partner

• The final episode of the wildly popular Serial dropped Thursday morning, bringing the podcast’s first season to a close. (If you haven’t heard the last episode yet. don’t worry — no spoilers here.) Staffers at WNYC in New York celebrated the final episode this morning by gathering for a group listening session, with cereal.


And for an additional side of the Serial story, Wired talked to the guy who developed the show’s stylized logo.

• After the New York Times ended its story-sharing agreement with the Texas Tribune in October, it didn’t take the nonprofit news organization long to find a new partner. The Tribune announced Thursday that it has entered into a new story-sharing agreement with the Washington Post. The Post will get exclusive outside-of-Texas access to Tribune content, and Tribune writers will contribute to Post blogs. Tribune backers who donate more than $250 a year will also get gratis digital subscriptions to the Post.

“It’s an efficient way of extending our reach,” Post executive editor Martin Baron told Nieman Lab. “That’s the kind of thing we’re very much open to: new models for increasing the kinds of journalism we have on our site and extending our name, our brand, our identity around the country. It’s just one more piece of the puzzle.”

CPB is now accepting applications for matching grants of up to $50,000 to help public TV stations hire consultants to devise strategies for the upcoming spectrum auction. CPB said the grants, first discussed in October, will be used to “help management obtain the professional expertise and analyses needed to make informed decisions about participation in the planned FCC spectrum auction.”

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