Monday roundup: FCC may require online public files for radio stations; Burton hosts “Tweeting Rainbow”

• The FCC is considering requiring radio licensees to join their TV counterparts by posting their public and political files online. It is seeking comment on the proposed ruling, with the first round of comments due Aug. 28. “With staffs that are typically much smaller than those of TV stations, radio stations would undoubtedly find an online public file requirement to be far more burdensome than it was for TV,” writes Scott Flick, a partner at the communications law firm Pillsbury, in a blog post. “If they don’t want to find themselves facing that very burden in the not too distant future, radio licensees will need to speak up in what most would have assumed is a completely unrelated proceeding.”

• Now that LeVar Burton has raised $5.4 million via Kickstarter for his Reading Rainbow reboot, he’s tackling a different form of reading: the Twittersphere. In a video for Jimmy Kimmel Live, Burton hosts “Tweeting Rainbow” and teaches kids how to project their every thought into cyberspace.

• PBS President Paula Kerger took the network’s interns to breakfast last week. On PBS’s Station Products & Innovations blog, two of the interns discuss her insights, including the belief that digital content, unlike TV content, doesn’t have to be perfect right out of the gate.

• A trio from NPR’s Planet Money — David Kestenbaum, Robert Smith and Jacob Goldstein — took to Reddit Friday for an Ask Me Anything session. They discussed their favorite episodes, their near-total unfamiliarity with economics in college, and how they predicted the “cupcake bubble” four years early.

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