Thursday roundup: White House honors Rehm and Tippett; Ira Glass’s favorite tools


• Diane Rehm and Krista Tippett will be honored by the White House in a ceremony July 28 at which President Obama will present them with National Humanities Medals. Rehm, host of NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show, is being recognized for her “incisive, confident and curious voice,” which the White House says “has deepened our understanding of our communities and our culture.” Tippett, the host of American Public Media’s On Being, will be honored “for thoughtfully delving into the mysteries of human existence.”

• Want to know what tools of the trade Ira Glass uses every day? In an interview with Lifehacker, the This American Life host discusses his team’s reliance on Pro Tools and Google Docs, his fondness for the productivity app Wunderlist, and his current reading list.

• The Association for Independents in Radio has posted a webinar walking audio producers through the ins and outs of crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Lea Thau, host of Radiotopia’s Strangers and a Kickstarter success story herself, joins Kickstarter’s Stephanie Pereira to chat about what works and what doesn’t for producers on the platform. The talk was moderated by Bec Feldhaus Adams, AIR’s talent coordinator.

• The city council of Bellingham, Wash., has approved a year-long pilot project to bring public access TV to the community for the first time, after decades of discussing the issue. Productions from the public may start airing in early October, reports the Bellingham Herald.

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