Brand’s new KCRW show has name, launch date

Former KPCC host Madeleine Brand’s new show on competitor KCRW in Los Angeles now has a name and launch date, according to the blog LA Observed.

The blog reported that Brand’s new show, Press Play, will debut Jan. 27. It will air from noon to 1 p.m., which means that it will not air opposite Take Two, the successor to Brand’s former KPCC show.

Brand left KPCC in September 2012 and started developing her new KCRW show in September 2013. She told Current in July that the show would be a host-driven, “news-based cultural show,” much like the one she hosted on KPCC.

KCRW said in December that it had hired producers Andrew Walsh and Jolie Myers for Press Play. Walsh and Jolie will join KCRW’s Christian Bordal and Anna Scott, who will also produce the new show.

Press Play is the station’s first new daily program since the 2001 launch of To the Point.

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