Pubcasters in Austin and Houston capture five Lone Star Emmys

KLRU in Austin won three statuettes, including one in the community service category for “Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project 2012,” a contemporary ballet and education program promoting human rights through the arts, education and public dialogue.

Austin's KLRU won a regional Emmy for community service for "Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project 2012," a contemporary ballet and education program promoting human rights through the arts, education and public dialogue.

Austin’s KLRU won a regional Emmy for community service for “Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project 2012,” a contemporary ballet and education program promoting human rights through the arts, education and public dialogue.

Cited were Sara Robertson and Karen Bernstein, producers; Betsy Gerdeman, executive producer; Maury Sullivan, community engagement; and Cookie Ruiz, project supervisor. KRLU also won with “KRLU Collective: Asian Occasion” (Eve Tarlo, producer/editor) for arts/entertainment program feature, and “Arts in Context: Trouble Puppet” (Lauren Burton, producer; Mario Troncoso, producer/editor/videographer) for arts/entertainment program.

Houston’s KUHT won an Emmy for public and current affairs with “Houston Refugees: Stories of Courage,” produced and hosted by Patricia Gras. In addition, Matthew Brawley was named best director of a live or live-to-tape program for KUHT’s 2012 Houston PBS Spelling Bee.

The awards were presented November 10 at a ceremony held at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

This article was first published in Current, Jan. 14, 2013.

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