Nine Network in St. Louis has premiered a unique interactive weekly television series, Stay Tuned, in which experts and community members discuss matters of community importance live via videochat service Google+ Hangout, as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
The first show, on Nov. 8, focused on the election; on Nov. 12, the topic was the area’s growing heroin problem.
Host Casey Nolen opens the discussion with information to provide context for viewers. Viewpoints stream in online, on video monitors and in person via a four-person panel in the studio drawn from some 20 community members who rotate appearances. Nolen converses with experts appearing on monitors; those individuals can also hear and respond to each other.
Stay Tuned also streams live on, at 9 p.m. Central.
The unique program “builds the Nine Network’s role as a trusted convener,” said Jack Galmiche, Nine Network president. “We are connecting people around the issues that are most important to them and their communities.”
The program is a collaboration with the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri in Columbia.