The Maine Public Broadcasting Network is ending its local radio show Down Memory Lane, which has run since 1979, it announced Nov. 16. The last show will air Nov. 30.
Host Toby Leboutillier originally created the nostalgic music program, which played 1940-55 pop hits, as a filler for late Friday afternoons. In the 1980s it spawned two additional offerings, Wind Up the Victrola, Toby, with pre-1925 tunes, and Those Oldies But Goodies, 1956-72 pop hits. In 2003, Leboutillier retired from MPBN and produced Down Memory Lane weekly on a volunteer basis.
“Maine public radio has the likes of Toby Leboutillier to thank for building up interest and providing such great content over the years to listeners across the state,” said MPBN President Mark Vogelzang. “Toby’s dedication to public radio set the standard that we aspire to today.”
Leboutillier has been with the station since 1968.
I would like to know if playlists are available for the repeat shows of Toby Leboutilier is down memory lane. I especially want the playlist for July 21, 2023.