In an interview with the Kansas City Star, new CPB Chair and longtime KCUR radio pubcaster Patty Cahill recalls her 2009 Senate confirmation hearing for her appointment to the CPB Board.
“I remember thinking, ‘How am I going to sit?’” she tells the newspaper. “Because I’m short and usually my feet don’t touch the ground and I sit on my leg. And I had been at KCUR so long, it seemed like getting a tattoo was a good idea, so I got one on my wrist. And it’s addicting, so whenever one of my daughters would get a tattoo I would go and get one. I just never thought I would be in a position where I would wonder about tattoos. . . . [H]ere I am testifying in front of the Senate on a hot day wearing sandals, and they can see these tattoos on my feet. But I thought, ‘Oh, well. So be it.’”
Cahill said CPB will continue to support pubTV operational consolidations, such as the centralcasting projects in New York and Florida. “With public radio,” she said, “we are looking at maybe consolidating some of the fundraising and underwriting, maybe even consolidating some news departments. And, of course, we are looking at new ways of distributing content, because ultimately we aren’t about television or radio, we are about distributing content.”