Radiolab and Longshot Radio team up on rapid-fire audio experiment

From noon today until 6 p.m. tomorrow, public radio’s Radiolab is teaming up with listeners and radio producers in New York and around the world for an experiment in rapid-fire audio creativity. The show is working with Longshot Radio to create and solicit stories about the challenges of the creative process, in connection with the 99% Conference, an event where speakers of all kinds will discuss how to put ideas into action. (Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad and Jonah Lehrer, a science writer and frequent contributor to the show, are featured speakers.)

As Radiolab explains on its blog, “we’re interested in gathering stories about creativity’s most dramatic (translation: roughest) moments, and how those moment often (okay, every now and then) lead to creative success.” Longshot’s producers in New York have set up a booth for recording stories at the conference, and listeners are invited to pose and answer questions via Radiolab’s website. Producers are also welcoming submissions within the next two days from anyone who wants to participate, whether at the conference or across the country.

To play along or for more information, read the Radiolab blog post, check out Longshot’s SoundCloud page and follow Longshot Radio on Twitter.

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