APM’s “Saint Paul Sunday” signing off in June after 32-year run

Broadcasts of Saint Paul Sunday, a weekly classical pubradio offering from American Public Media, are ending after 32 years. The last new episode was produced in 2007.

APM notified client stations that the last show would air June 24. In its memo, APM said the program was launched in 1980 “on a very simple premise: we wanted to give listeners intimate access to how music was created at the very highest level.” Host Bill McGlaughlin introduced listeners to “the classical world’s absolute top talent,” APM said, including Renée Fleming, the Emerson String Quartet, Chanticleer and Anne-Sophie Mutter. The program earned a George Foster Peabody Award in 1995.

“But after several years of repeats, APM has made the difficult decision to celebrate Saint Paul Sunday‘s successes and sunset it this summer,” the memo said. “Thank you to all stations who have carried the program over the years and brought these world class artists and their stories into your listeners’ lives.”

Currently, according to APM, 83 stations air the show.

In a 1999 commentary in Current, former PRI President Stephen L. Sayler identified Saint Paul Sunday Morning as one of the titles that “helped extend listening to public radio beyond drivetime.”

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