NewsHour offers more international coverage than rest of TV newscasts, Pew report finds

The State of the News Media 2012, the annual report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, was released Monday (March 19). Among the data of interest to pubmedia stakeholders: A look at how community news is faring (“The future for local and regional sites probably will see increased use of news networks and partnerships — with public radio, local television, even local daily newspapers that may have resisted such alliances just a few years ago”); a section on Native American media (“Mark Trahant, a former president of the Native American Journalists Association, described the state of Native media as ‘a narrative of expansion'”), and an in-depth look at the PBS NewsHour’s ratings, staffing, financial support and content (“The PBS NewsHour differs in its agenda from other television news programs. The most striking difference is that the NewsHour offered more than a third more coverage of international news proportionally in 2011 than the rest of the media over all, including all other forms of television news”). Here’s a press release that details major findings, including that some 27 percent of Americans now get their news on mobile devices, and for most of them, this is increasing their news consumption.

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