Ira Glass on “Downton Abbey”: “Complete and utter (expletive)”

Apparently This American Life host Ira Glass is no fan of the PBS hit Downton Abbey. In an interview with Duke University’s Chronicle, Glass says he watched three episodes of the Edwardian costume drama on Masterpiece, “and wanted to punch someone in the face for the complete and utter bulls**t that it is. It’s the most romantic, y’know, romantic piece of tripe, it just made me want to kick somebody.”

2 thoughts on “Ira Glass on “Downton Abbey”: “Complete and utter (expletive)”

  1. I’m not sure why anyone would care whether or not Ira Glass likes Downton Abbey. Perhaps Mr. Glass should spend more time fact-checking stories for This American Life than criticizing Masterpiece Classic on PBS. The “Complete and utter…” here is This American Life’s largely bullshit story on Apple manufacturing in China.

  2. Today, out show in three acts …

    Act 1 – I opine in matters that I know nothing about.

    Act 2 – I try to get people to understand the gestalt of my Showtime series.

    Act 3 – I figure out when “This American Life” jumped the shark.

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