“Moyers and Company” sparks letter to CPB ombudsman


Moyers and Company, the latest offering from pubTV veteran newsman Bill Moyers, a longtime target of conservative criticism, has prompted a complaint to CPB Ombudsman Joel Kaplan from Prof. Victor Lieberman of the University of Michigan’s Department of History, who calls the program “strident, undisguised left-wing advocacy.”

“I should like you to attempt to defend what seems to me to be completely indefensible programming,” Lieberman wrote to Kaplan.

Moyers, contacted by Kaplan, defended the show. “Take a look at only our first three broadcasts and you’ll find guests from across the political and cultural spectrum, including President Reagan’s former budget director and a corporate CEO,” he said. “More diversity to come.”

Lieberman also had concerns about Page Eight on Masterpiece Contemporary, previously addressed by PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler.

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