How’d pubcasting fave Red Green come up with that name, anyway? “I was making fun of a guy who had a TV show in Canada, Red Fisher,” Green’s creator Steve Smith tells the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. “Green seemed like the dumbest last name to go with Red. Now they tell me I’m a genius because every stoplight’s a promo.” Green is still selling out stops on his latest tour, promoting his book, How to Do Everything. And when he’s not touring, he’s tinkering. His most recent project: “I put in an outside electrical outlet,” he said. “It’s functional, it’s crooked and it’s on the side of the house my wife never walks by, so everybody’s happy.” Green’s weekend performance in Minneapolis is a fundraiser for Twin Cities Public Television.
Meanwhile, Growing Bolder Media — producers of The Growing Bolder TV Show on WMFE in Orlando and WEDU in Tampa, as well as The Growing Bolder Radio Show on WMFE-FM — recently posted this online interview with the always colorful character.