President’s proposed budget adds $15 million to CPB funding for 2012


President Barack Obama released his budget today, and support for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is safe through fiscal 2014. In fact, funding actually increases from $430 million in FY11 to $445 million in 2012, points out MinnPost media reporter David Brauer. The president does propose cutting $80 million in CPB grants for digital transition, station interconnection infrastructure and station fiscal stabilization, which the system received during the recession (Current, Dec. 14, 2009).

Want to check out the CPB section of the president’s budget? Click here (PDF) and search on “Corporation for Public Broadcasting,” or go to the bottom of page 1203.

One thought on “President’s proposed budget adds $15 million to CPB funding for 2012

  1. Obama’s budget is DOA in the house. CPB funding will be cut as proposed in at least 4 other bills. Public media should begin to look for other funding or look for buyers who can operate the stations.

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