PBS selects new director of station development services

PBS has hired a director of station development services to plug the hole created in June when laid off four staffers in the development unit (Current, Nov. 1). Valerie Pletcher will be a director of station development services beginning Dec. 1, Joyce Herring, s.v.p. of station services, announced to staff in a memo. Pletcher will work as a liaison with system development professionals on informational and training needs, best practices and the development portion of the Annual Meeting. From 1997 to ’99, Pletcher was manager of sponsorships and marketing for the PBS Sponsorship Group; from ’94 to ’96 she was underwriting manager at WVPT/Virginia Public Television. Most recently Pletcher was major gifts officer at Christiana Care Health System, headquartered in Wilmington, Del.

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