Whad’ya Know? celebrates 25 years on public radio

“The audience brings the show. . . . I am the vessel,” says public radio host and humorist Michael Feldman in this local TV news feature on the 25th anniversary celebration of Whad’ya Know?, the weekly comedy and quiz show from Wisconsin Public Radio. “They fill me–half-full or half-empty–that’s hard to say,” he quips with typical self-deprecation. In the run-up to tomorrow night’s Silver Jubilee Celebration at Madison’s Wisconsin Union Theater, Feldman has been getting lots of media coverage. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports colorful anecdotes about its native pubradio star’s early career–including a tug-of-war with a female co-host for control over the microphone. Feldman has no plans to retire and he’s not grooming a successor, according to the Capital Times. “I am taking it with me….I don’t know what world there is after this one, but there’s gonna be a Whad’ya Know? with Michael Feldman in it.” The Jubilee show, to be recorded for this week’s national broadcast via Public Radio International, will feature musical guest Robbie Fulks, the alt-country star with a big sense of humor.

One thought on “Whad’ya Know? celebrates 25 years on public radio

  1. I’ve enjoyed Mr. Feldmen’s shows since day own, very classy! The stories, the crazy big sounds when a door opened, kilp klop of made up Horse’s, every minute i enjoyed.
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    Previous heart’s. I’ll NEVER FORGET, Thanks Guy’s.

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