Talkin’ turkey, and other goodies


Thursday’s the big day, and while most of us are gobbling our holiday dinners at least a few pubcasters will be catering to the culinary needs of NPR listeners. Once again American Public Media’s The Splendid Table offers its Turkey Confidential live call-in show for chefs in a panic over their uncooperative bird or puzzled over what to do with those slimy giblet things. Guests include Lake Wobegon’s favorite son Garrison Keillor and road foodies Jane and Michael Stern. The show runs on many stations nationwide 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern — unless of course you’re listening to KIPO-FM 89.3 in Hawai’i, where you’ll have to set your alarm for 6 a.m. Meanwhile, Chris Kimball of America’s Test Kitchen stopped by All This Considered this morning with a few old-timey dish suggestions; there are more Thanksgiving suggestions on the Kitchen’s site (whoa, Garlic-Scented Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk and Cilantro). But of course the four words many listeners long for this time of year are: Mama Stamberg’s Cranberry Relish. For many fans, the holiday season officially opens the Friday before Thanksgiving when we hear the recipe for that “Pepto-Bismol pink” delicacy on NPR. Here it is, in case you were out bagging your free-range turkey.

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