Database reveals pubcasting requests for broadband stimulus funds

PBS is asking for $8.7 million from broadband stimulus funds, according to a new database of first-round applicants. PBS says it will partner with eight stations to “combine national content and existing outreach programs to stimulate demand for educational broadband content” in a project it calls PBS Broadband Communities. Among other pubcasting-related requests: The National Black Programming Consortium, $11.5 million for a 200-person Public Media Corps building on the New Media Institute. The University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development in Ann Arbor, Mich., $2.1 million to connect PBS to more than 62,000 institutions such as schools, libraries and state governments through the “next generation” Internet2. Mississippi Public Broadcasting, $2.2 million to provide technology for low-income children ages 0-5 years old and their parents. Wyoming PBS, $513,000 to develop its statewide Digital Learning Library for teachers. Previously reported was Florida Public Broadcasting’s application for $22 million. Grants are due to be awarded next year.

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