Scott Simon on the new “This even I know is a big improvement”


NPR unveils the “brand new” in this YouTube video featuring Scott Simon’s first test-drive of the website launching July 27. The Weekend Edition Saturday host finds that the redesigned site is easier to read and navigate and features a Google-powered search engine and nifty interactive visuals. “We want to be your source for NPR news, analysis, arts & life stories and music that is always fresh and up-to-date, a source of unexpected delight and most important, a site that always upholds NPR’s highest standards,” write NPR Digital chief Kinsey Wilson and NPR News Executive Editor Dick Meyer, in an accompanying note to the NPR Community. “On the new site, it will be easier to combine listening and reading, to follow breaking news, to comment on our work and share it, and easier to find programming from your NPR station.” They promise enhancements for NPR Mobile offerings later this summer.

NPR home pages now and protoype for next week

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