Pubcasters swept the radio category in the Investigative Reporters and Editors Awards, presented yesterday by one of the nation’s top journalism organizations. Receiving the certificate was “36 Years of Solitary: Murder, Death and Injustice at Angola,” by NPR’s Laura Sullivan, Amy Walters and Steven Drummond on All Things Considered. It was praised by the judges as a “chilling tale of injustice” told in a “graceful and compelling way.” The piece was an in-depth look at the 1972 murder of a prison guard. Finalists in the category: “Natural Gas Drilling: Is New York Ready?” by WNYC’s Ilya Marritz, Abrahm Lustgarten, Andrea Bernstein and Karen Frillmann; “Dirty Money” by NPR’s John Burnett, Marisa Penaloza and Quinn O’Toole; and “Witnesses Wait” by PRI’s Ingrid Lobet.