“Why traditional TV production is dead”


As TV viewing options explode and money for program production dries up, “small and midsize public television stations (not the rich behemoths like WGBH) that want to produce original programs of public value” have two paths to tread, writes Alaska Public Media’s John Proffitt in his blog Gravity Medium. Big productions will be few, will “mostly involve outside contractors rather than inside employees, and will draw most of their funding from external one-off granting sources.” Small, local productions will have to scale back to “one person + camera + laptop” and “must be aimed at multiplatform niche distribution rather than mass entertainment. In the end, ‘TV’ folks will either become multifunctional ‘video’ folks” or will leave to work at specialty video houses. Proffitt features YouTube video of producer Michael Rosenblum lecturing about TV’s changing economics. “The demand for video is limitless,” Rosenblum says.

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