PRNDI Statement of Ethics, 2003

This revised statement was adopted in July 2003 by Public Radio News Directors Inc., the association of journalists working in public radio.

Public Radio News Directors Inc. is committed to the highest standards of journalistic ethics and excellence. We must stand apart from pressures of politics and commerce as we inform and engage our listeners. We seek truth, and report with fairness and integrity.

Independence and integrity are the foundations of our service, which we maintain through these principles:

Journalism is the rigorous pursuit of truth. Its practice requires fairness, accuracy, and balance.
We strive to be comprehensive. We seek diverse points of view and voices to tell the stories of our communities.

Fairness is at the core of all good journalism.
We gather and report the news in context, with clarity and compassion.
We treat our sources and the public with decency and respect.
Our reporting is thorough, timely and avoids speculation.

The public’s faith in our service rests on our integrity as journalists.
Editorial independence is required to ensure the integrity of our work.
We identify the differences between reporting and opinion.
We guard against conflicts of interest — real and perceived — that could compromise the credibility and independence of our reporting.
We are accountable when conflicts occur. We disclose any unavoidable conflicts of interest.

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