Open Mobile Video Coalition to merge into National Association of Broadcasters

The Open Mobile Video Coalition (OMVC), the main advocacy group for the development of mobile digital television since 2007, is integrating into the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), effective Jan. 1, the organizations announced today.

OMVC’s voluntary members include the Association of Public Television Stations, CPB and PBS, representing some 360 pubTV stations, and 36 commercial TV owners and operators with more than 500 stations. Former APTS President John Lawson was a founding board member of the coalition.

The NAB is the main advocacy, innovation and education association for America’s broadcasters, working for radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs areas.

Anne P. Schelle, OMVC’s executive director, said in the announcement that the organization’s purpose was to help develop a mobile DTV standard and encourage device development. “Integration with the NAB is the logical next step as the commercialization of mobile TV enters its next exciting phase,” Schelle said. She will continue as a senior policy consultant to the NAB.

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