“In The Life,” television’s first LGBT newsmag, ending in December

In The Life, the first and only nationally broadcast lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) newsmagazine, is going off the air in December, after 20 years. The announcement came Wednesday (Sept. 5) from In The Life Media Co-Chairs Henry van Ameringen, who had contributed $1 million to the show in March, and Jayne B. Sherman.

“Creating high quality, in-depth journalism is expensive,” their announcement said. “However, we are committed to using our available resources to reach the broadest possible audience. New digital technologies provide the way forward for ITLM’s work to live on. ITLM has entered into conversations with other organizations to create a web-based, open-source repository of our video archive documenting the LGBT movement.”

They promised “additional details soon.”

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