Women and Depression


C-HIT reporter Colleen Shaddox dove deep into the data about women and depression, using statistics from the World Health Organization, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Status of Women data project, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership.

Colleen produced two 20-minute podcasts, and wrote stories to run with both podcasts. The stories were featured on C-HIT’s website, and they were published by C-HIT’s 16 media partners, including The Hartford Courant, The Connecticut Post, The New Haven Register and WNPR.org.

She interviewed experts on the topic, including Carolyn Mazure, the director of women’s health research at the Yale School of Medicine; Sarah Ngyuen, an assistant clinical professor at the University of Connecticut’s School of Medicine and Megan Smith, associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine.

Colleen also spoke at length with Connecticut author Luanne Rice, who blogs about her depression.